FROM, STRANGER – Digital commission by Lydia Hounat

We’re delighted to share our second digital commission produced in our collaboration with Manchester Jewish Museum, which comes from stunning poet and photographer Lydia Hounat.

Take a look at her beautiful series of photos below.

Lydia was inspired by the sporting collections that First Draft performers have been exploring for our Everything To Play For event which takes place at the museum on Sunday 29 April. Tickets are still available – so book now if you want to see what out other amazing artists and performers have come up with!

Lydia says of her commission:

In response to the work I’ve viewed, I’ve managed to collate a piece of archival work called From, Stranger. These are text messages I’ve received from immigrant/non-immigrant people over the years which I’ve then superimposed over images of people I’ve encountered in Manchester. The texts have nothing to do with the models within the photographs – their function is to depict a 21st century relationship between the person and the text, the anonymity of immigration, and the anonymity that concepts like Brexit shed over vast numbers of immigrants that were not accounted for or considered in the making of that referendum.
Instead, From, Stranger, aims to demonstrate how we are left, literally to our own devices, to discuss and bicker and grieve. It also makes people choose whether they look at the person first, or the text message first, and what that might say about their psyche.



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